Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just getting this off my chest

Okay, so when did it become okay for a parent to pretend to be their teenager and break up with someone. If I knew that was okay, Kylee would never have had a boyfriend at all. That's not fair to your child or the person on the receiving end. I think that as parents we have a right to say I don't want you going out with someone. And saying that we don't want you dating until you're of a specific age. But actually breaking up with the person is not a nice thing. And it will cause your child to hate you!! I know that whenever my mother said I couldn't do something, it made me want to do it even more. That's why I let Kylee have a so called "BOYFRIEND"! That's kind of what helps you learn what you want in a mate when you grow up. At their age all it is really is holding hands, calling/texting each other, and hugging. We all know that we did it at school! And if you say you didn't, you are lying to yourself and everyone around you.

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